Hosted by Marlene Thorn, Carol Rezba, Annita Tschanz, Maxine Pollock and Cathy Hesse. Remember to bring your own cups so we don’t have to do dishes. We will also be stuffing purses to help victims of domestic violence who might need supplies after a courageous escape. Please keep bringing your slightly used purses.
We are grateful to Linda Badwey for creating Women and Wine, designed to know each other. Linda has passed the leadership for for W&W to Roxanne Wood who will be coordinating in the future. For starters we have set the dates for the upcoming year (see calendar below) on the first Wednesday on months we don’t have membership meetings May-September.
Next year October-April, Women and Wine will be on the third Thursday of each month.Roxanne will have a sign up sheet to sign up for June and beyond. Or you can email her at: [email protected]