We give our members a broader vision, the inspiration of united effort and greater strength to accomplish goals through volunteer service. Your life path today may be somewhat different than just a few years ago; you may have retired or just started a family, begun a new career or a new responsibility or just relocated to Paradise! Women are always evolving in some way and the Key West Woman’s Club will serve you as you also serve your community, city, county and state making it a better place in which to live.
We Hope You Will Join Us:
– Sponsors must be a Key West Woman’s Club member.
– Sponsors must have known the applicant for at least six months.
– Prospective members must have attended three regular meetings and must have volunteered in club activities a total of ten hours.
– There shall be probationary period of twelve months, after induction.
– Members should contribute a minimum of 10 hours annually in service to the KWWC, excluding monthly or Committee meetings.
– Members shall pay all dues and fees promptly.
– Members shall familiarize yourself with the KWWC bylaws and parliamentary procedure.
– Past members who have resigned in good standing and request reinstatement shall be given first priority over new applicants.
For more information please contact our Membership Chair, Kim Gordon, at kwwcmembership@gmail.com
New Members & Sponsors
Please help us to better embrace our new members and utilize their talents! As membership volunteer hours are the secret to every successful organization, remember to call your newly sponsored members and remind them of upcoming work parties, special events and meetings. We have too much fun at the Woman’s Club for them to miss anything.